In Memory of





Keefe Funeral Homes
We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family.
2013-02-28 09:34:31
Bignevermo/John Sheehan
I miss you Kerry, I hope your family can have some closure over your passing. You will be sorely missed.
2014-02-18 08:19:18
Carlos Suarez
Kerry,today you are enjoying the company of God and the beauty of eternity, today you are forever blessed. Carlos
2013-03-16 09:54:47
Kerry, the blackbirds are singing in the wood outside my window. Today I saw a tiny yellow butterfly, and there was small swarm of bugs near the path. It means it's Spring, and I'm sad you're not here to breath it in. I'll miss your voice -- all of us will. I hope you find endless Spring, complete with blackbird song, wherever you are.
2013-03-08 09:12:33
All of us at ExMormon.Org
Thank you for helping so many and being such a positive influence on countless people around the world. Your loss is deeply felt and our community is diminished by your loss.
2013-03-04 19:03:44
I never met you in person, but your words had a profound influence in my life. Thank you.
2013-03-03 21:00:02
An Online Friend
Erudite and kind, he left us too soon.
2013-03-03 12:53:07
Roseann Rutz
The bond we had as brother and sister will never be broken in this life or in yours on the other side. You were a very intelligent, creative and artistic person with more to give than you realized. Even a brush of your being against another individuals psyche left an imprint on their souls for the better. I will miss you deeply while awake and we will play together in my dreams!
2013-03-03 12:14:45
german lurker (rfm)
thank you, that you brought so much laughter, love and light to the rfm community! the only important thing in life are the traces of love we leave behind when we go. (albert schweitzer) you left many of them - worldwide - thank you.
2013-03-03 07:17:29
You brought so much light to our online community. Your kind words and big heart helped hurting people heal. We are better for having known you. It won't be the same without you. I will never forget you.
2013-03-03 05:50:25
You will never know the love I felt for you from your presence at RfM. Thank you. You will be missed.
2013-03-02 17:55:52
Leslie Greyfort
You will be deeply missed at RfM, Kerry. You have inspired so many people with your wonderful words and humour.
2013-03-02 09:47:03