In Memory of




Obituary for Tanaia M. Wilkinson

Tanaia Marie Wilkinson was a beautiful gift to us all,

She started out as a wish and then came to us like an angel from above, blessing our lives with her very presence. Our family has been through many tribulations and her journey was no different. The fact that she was able to become the source of light that she did for so many was a true testament to her loving nature. Even when she was ready to move on to the next stage of her life she still wanted to do things the right way. She was not one prone to simply running away from her problems.

Naia was often shy and yet had no qualms about speaking her mind when necessary. She often stood up for herself and others when least expected. Her wisdom was well beyond her years. Even as a child she was fiery and bold. And while rare, her smile was always warm and infectious, easily lighting up a room and spreading gleefully to others in a wave of joy and happiness.

She was truly precious, and everywhere she went her presence was felt. She was a central part in helping our family to heal and come together. When the time came and she was ready to spread her wings there was nothing that would’ve stopped her. We did what we could to support her decisions and live her life the way she wanted. We only wish we knew more about how things had shifted before it was too late.

She was a lover of nature and eventually found joy in a career as an arborist. She was also one of the only two in the family who got her license to drive. Naia was a talented writer as well and often spoke of the book she was working on. She loved all kinds of music and would regularly send lists of songs for me to listen to and after we’d always talk about the songs she’d sent.

My sister was my closest friend and the most loving soul I’ve ever known. We used to call each other twins cause we were so alike even though we were so far apart in age. For a while we were inseparable and I tried my best to make sure you and Drew had all the Christmas’ an Birthdays’ that I know we didn’t have before. We’d go to the movies or IHop on Sundays, you’d come to my events and often help out. You recently reminded me of the short film set I brought you to and how much fun you’d had. And not to mention the music videos you participated in that all hold so many special memories and moments now. I will cherish every memory for the rest of my life.

In her last few weeks she called me everyday and I answered every call because I knew it was a sign that she was ready for change and reaching out. But again she didn’t want to abandon what she had built and was hesitant to leave, if only we had acted with more urgency, if only we had known the danger she was actually in. I am thankful we were able to talk as much as we did before she was taken from us. Though I wish I could’ve been there to protect her or even take her place, but I know that’s not possible now. So the best thing I can think of is to honor her memory and keep her in my heart.

To my NeNe, I’m so sorry you had to suffer so much. I hope and pray with every fiber of my being that you are truly at peace. You will always live in my heart. I love you, I love you, I love you.

Your Big Brother
