
The Memorial Candle Program has been designed to help offset the costs associated with the hosting this Tribute Website in perpetuity. Through the lighting of a memorial candle, your thoughtful gesture will be recorded in the Book of Memories and the proceeds will go directly towards helping ensure that the family and friends of Mary I. Ronan can continue to memorialize, re-visit, interact with each other and enhance this tribute for future generations.

Thank you.

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Condolence From: Alireza &. Maryam
Condolence: Dear nazanin & Robert
Please accept our condolences on the passing of your mother.It was an honor to have known such a great person and we will truly miss her. May God embrace you in comfort during this difficult time.
Love you both, Maryam - Ali
Saturday May 31, 2014
Condolence From: Leyla Ansar
Condolence: Dear Robert and Nazzanin,
Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
As you grieve know that we are remembering you and honoring the memory of Mrs. Ronan.

Love you very much
Leyla & Mike Ansar
Friday May 30, 2014
Condolence From: Patty Thomas
Condolence: Dear Sarah
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Mom. I know how special she is to you and your family. You certainly made it a priority for your family to spend time with her, I'm sure you will treasure the memories. If you parent by the example she set for you, then I'm sure was an amazing Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Erik and the boys, as well as your brothers and sisters and extended family. Much love, Patty
Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: Julia O'Shea
Condolence: As a little girl I grew up knowing Mary Ronan as one of dad's friends who would come visit my family on the cape in the summer. Mary would bring presents for my younger sister and I, she'd always welcome us with a warm hug and want to hear how school and our social lives were (and she was actually genuinely interested). My sister and I would hear snippets of our parents conversations with Mary while we ran around the yard, ran back from the ocean and helped serve dinner on summer nights when she visited. She fit in so well, and we were comfortable around her even as kids. My sister and I always enjoyed when she'd visit, but It wasn't until I got older that I realized what a truly unique and special person Mary was... In my entire life I only know a few people as truly generous, kindhearted, strong, and selfless as Mary. She treated my sister and I like her own grand children. She was non judgmental, truly curious about our lives, and really wanted the best for us. We weren't related, we didn't see each other every month so to care so much about us says a lot about her. As an adult, I see Mary as a role model- a strong woman. I have always had a place for Mary in my heart, especially after my father died (her innate loving warmth reminded me of his). She will be sorely missed by the O'Shea/ Curry family. And I want the Stack family to know that she meant so much to us. Love to all of you! - Julia O'Shea (daughter of the late Robert O'Shea).
Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: Brenda Julien
Condolence: Dear Kathy and all other members of the Ronan Family: I am very sorry to hear of the passing of your dear Mom. I have many memories of her; initially in New York at marathon time as well as in Hull on my two visits there. I enjoyed her visit to Halifax a few years ago on her bus tour. I got to spend a few good hours with her and invited her to have dinner with my Mom and I at Mom's house. I was very glad our two Mom's got to meet.

Her athletic ability amazed me. When I spoke to her the evening before we met here in Halifax she told me she was going to the pool to swim for an hour. She was one amazing woman.

Her recipe for Apricot Squares lives on and I think of her every time I make them. They are sometimes referred to as Ski Squares as I believe they were often taken on Ronan Family ski trips.

May all the wonderful memories you have of her comfort you at this difficult time.
Thinking of you all. Brenda
Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: Maureen Neil
Condolence: Just wanted to express my sympathy to the Ronan family on the death of your mother. I met her at the pool at the Arlington Boys and Girls club and had many conversations with her. Most of those were about all her children - how well they all turned out and how much fun she had travelling around and visiting everyone. She was very proud of the fact that she had still been able to ski until she was about 80! I will keep her and all of you in my prayers. She was a wonderful person.

Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: Denise Burns
Condolence: Very sorry to hear of Mary's passing. Condolences to her family. Mary represented the finance committee at school committee meetings and we were fortunate for her representation. She'd attend each of our meetings, knitting in hand and understand the ins and outs of the budget. She will be very missed in Arlington as her service to the community is as rich in passion as it is in length.
Wednesday May 28, 2014
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