
Ralph H. Underwood Ralph H. Underwood Ralph H. Underwood Ralph H. Underwood
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Keefe Funeral Homes
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Edie (King) Baro
Condolence: Although it has been many years since I last saw Mr. Underwood, I have thought many times over the years of the Underwood family. In the 60's and 70's my parents Roy and Edie King and myself were neighbors as well as friends. They always spoke very highly of Mr.and Mrs.Underwood. Please accept my condolences on behalf of myself and the King family.
Tuesday April 07, 2009
Condolence From: Arthur Souza
Condolence: Mrs Underwood and Children.

Sorry to hear Ralph has passed away. I worked with Ralph at engine 5 for ten years. When firefighters retire you lose all contact with them. Ralph was a good friend and firefighter. My sincere condolences.
Arthur Souza (CFD Ret.)
Tuesday April 07, 2009
Condolence From: Ralph Chapman
Condolence: First met Ralph on March 9, 1958 starting a night shift at Engine 5 in Inman Sq. I had just been promoted to Lt. and he was starting out as a "probie". We sat down with the crew and he being the new man most of the talking describing the job was directed to him. Our first run turned out to be false. The second run turned out to be a smoky mattress fire on the first floor of a 3 family occupied dwelling. Not being the first engine on the scene we ran a small line to the front door. Ralph was eager to move in and get a taste of the real thing. I told him to stand fast when I reported to the incident commander. When I returned and told him to return the line to the apparatus I could tell he was upset but said nothing. A few shifts later I brought the subject up and asked him what upset that particular time. It was just that he wanted to move in on the fire. I gave him my reasons why I held the line back - there was already one line in the door way and that the incident commander would have ordered our line either to rear of or above the fire. He understood and as we continued to work together for 4 years and he became one hell of a good firefighter. It had been a pleasure to work with him. For some reason I always addressed him as Mr. Underwood - both on and off the job. I have been retired for 21 years and shall never forget my friend and co-worker, Mr. Underwood. May he rest in peace.
Monday April 06, 2009
Condolence From:
Condolence: On behalf of the Barnett Family in memory of Ralph H. Underwood. May his legacy live on!
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Maureen C. Bailey
Condolence: Dear Tommy, Patty and the entire Underwood family,

I will not be able to make the wake, but wished to convey my condolences on the passing of your father.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you as I attend the memorial service for Kenneth S. Hinsman Jr., husband of my father's cousin Juliette, who has also passed.

All my love,
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From:
Condolence: Dear Ralph & Nick, may your Dad and Grandfather live on in your sweet memories of him. Love, Sondra & Taso
Monday November 30, -0001

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