
Anne J. Carlisle
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Keefe Funeral Homes
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Constance Rudd
Condolence: It was with great shock,regret and sadness that I learned last week of Anne's death. I've suddenly begun to have a number of conversations with her, which I desperately wish we could have had in life. My thoughts have been with you, Miriam, and they'll continue to be, especially tomorrow and Saturday, when I wish I could be present at both services.
Seeing Anne so very briefly at our HS reunion in October 2010, and exchanging a somewhat perfunctory greeting has shown me that it's not enough to attend such an important gathering for only one evening.
Anne and I met the first day of 7th grade, in division 1G at Jr. High East, in September of 1954. Our friendship was cemented when she invited me and others to her infamous pajama party that year. I offer a belated apology to you, Miriam, for the sleep you must have lost that night! I remember sitting after school one day at your dining-room table at 116 Mass Ave., while your Dad lay in bed after his heart attack. Anne very much wanted to go see "Rebel Without a Cause", with her favorie actor. I wasn't hip enough to love James Dean or to want to see it. Anne and I proceeded to make a bet over which syllable of the noun 'rebel' got the accent. Of course she won.
We saw less of each other in high school, she having gotten involved in drama and I in art. We had sporadic contact during the years my mother still lived in Arlington. But I've only learned now from her obituary that we have had more mutual interests over these years than I had realized, namely her concern for animals and her involvement as a UU. I will be present with you all in spirit during the next two days, and I will continue to miss Anne's presence on the planet for a very long time.

Thursday August 16, 2012
Condolence From: Susan Brine Heaney
Condolence: Miriam and family-
I was so sorry to hear of Anne's death. I can't remember when I first met Anne but it was a long time ago. I'm so glad we had connected again before our AHS 50th reunion in 2010. We had a chance to sit and chat together at the reunion. Anne was such a bright, interesting woman and will be missed
by many.
My thoughts will be with you through this difficult time.
Friday August 10, 2012
Condolence From: Kathy Grannan McCuskey
Condolence: Very sad to hear of Anne's passing. We go way back to many young years of fun on Mass. Ave., Girl Scouts, and great laughter!!! My sympathy and thoughts go to you Miriam and your family at this time. The East Arlington group had a special bond!! Barbara Trainor,Pat Deal, and others that attended Hardy School! Take Care and relish the stories. Kathy Grannan Mc
Friday August 10, 2012

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